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H2B Group Ethics Charter

This charter applies to all H2B activities and employees. This charter is governed by the Group's CSR policy.

Compliance with regulations
The Group's employees must comply with international, national, and local laws and regulations and the rules of professional ethics related to their activities (accreditation bodies in particular), as well as H2B's CSR policy and this ethical charter.

Behaving with integrity

Integrity governs both business and interpersonal relations, leaving no room for any practice of favoritism or corruption1 harassment or discrimination2, or price discussions with competitors.

Reporting misconduct

A compliance officer is appointed and trained to receive reports and provide advice anonymously: The manager of each activity promotes this charter and ensures that it is respected in practice, listening for weak signals.

Responding and prevention

Reports are first discussed with the hierarchical level immediately above the persons involved/accused and may be escalated at the discretion of the compliance officer, including to the Group's shareholders if necessary. An investigation of the "RPS" (Psychosocial Risks) type may be decided upon for suspicions of harassment or burnout. It respects the adversarial principle and includes employee representatives as much as possible.

Protecting whistleblowers

H2B encourages the reporting, in good faith and in a disinterested manner, of breaches of integrity, and no whistleblower will be sanctioned in this situation.


This charter gets to the heart of the matter. It is reviewed every year in the first quarter of the following year
as part of the CSR policy. It is improved and revised if necessary.

Favoritism or corruption is when an employee changes the price, conditions, or content of services (e.g., the results of a diagnosis) because of a personal or financial relationship with the client.

Harassment is defined as repeated and degrading behavior for the victim, such as: vexatious behavior; threats, insults, or obscenities; malicious calls, text messages or e-mails...
Moral harassment in the workplace, even in the absence of a hierarchical link, means for example regular insults, repeated destabilizing messages, recurrent desire to harm...

V1.0 October 6th, 2022

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